Updated the address of the streaming server for receiving digital audio.
Technical improvements.
Restyling and adding more content.
Streaming technical improvement
Regarding the question posed to the user when opening the App, if you do not answer by tapping on "Allow" to then allow listening in the background (i.e. with the screen off), now you can still listen without interruptions, as the app screen is always present, unless you want to close (hide) it.
Aesthetic renewal and technical improvement
Solution to some problems for a generic improvement of the app.
We are back to the previous version, to ensure greater compatibility with older versions of Android and better stability on all devices. However, there is also something new: in the PAGES section (which you can find in the menu) you can also view our Website in addition to our Facebook page.
Application completely renewed graphically but not only, in fact, in addition to listening to Radio Nonsolosuoni, now you can read some information on the music on the air, as the year of release of the disc and the biographical notes on the singer or group you are listening to. In addition, you can listen to our music history columns on demand.
We solved the problem that caused, after a few minutes, the interruption of listening in the background. In fact, after installing this update, you will be asked if you want to allow the app to remain connected in the background (you will have the possibility to answer NO or YES). Choosing "NO" the app will continue to work as usual, so in the background, listening will stop to save battery power. By choosing "YES", the app will work continuously.
Changing the server address for receiving the audio stream. This is our technical change, which does not affect the use of the app by the user.
Here is the new application to listen to Radio Nonsolosuoni. It is totally rebuilt compared to previous versions, in fact, we have tried to improve it on several fronts: a graphic look simpler and more modern, but above all, a greater functionality eliminating the problems of listening, reception and control of the App. NOTE: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is not actually used. It is a permission inserted (by default) in the development kit used to implement the app code.
If you have noticed that listening to the radio is interrupted when your device goes into standby mode (as you have activated the "Battery optimization" option for our app), now, with this update, if you leave the screen of the application, the device no longer goes into standby mode and therefore the listening is not interrupted.